Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Timeshare Sales Training - An Introduction

Timeshare Sales Training

I started this blog for a couple of reasons. First, to establish a place I could share my knowledge of Timeshare Sales with others. Second, for those who are already in timeshare sales looking for training on the internet. I am not sure if there are in other blogs covering this specific niche, but my hopes are that my readers will truly benefit on what they find here.

I have been selling timeshare since 2002 and have quickly risen to the top in sales. It has been said that timeshare sales is, "the easiest high paying job, or the hardest low paying job." Anyone who has been in the industry for any length of time probably has experienced that to some extent. I know early in my career, I did! Once it "clicks" though, it is very easy to be consistent, and the big paychecks follow!

I am not a professional writer, so topics may be random. I am not going to stick to a rigid outline of topics. As this blog gains an audience, I will be catering to the wants of the audience. This blog will cover everything in timeshare sales training such as; overcoming objections, third party stories, urgency methods, take away selling, rapport, trial closes, book reviews, and more.

My hopes are that my own experience in timeshare sales will stimulate learning and will help you reach your full potential in the very lucrative field of timeshare sales.


Unknown said...

I love it i want more

Harikesh Chauhan said...


Sales Training - Business has changed forever. Let us help you develop more sales opportunities and more accountable leadership teams with our Hearts and Minds sales training.

arush said...

Hi, probably our entry may be off topic but anyways, I have been surfing around your blog and it looks very professional. It’s obvious you know your topic and you

appear fervent about it. I’m developing a fresh blog plus I’m struggling to make it look good, as well as offer the best quality content. I have learned much at your

web site and also I anticipate alot more articles and will be coming back soon. Thanks you.

Sales Training

Yamel said...

I just got in to the biz and i love the advise, please continue to post.

Silvia said...

This is what I was looking for!! THANK YOU!!

Unknown said...

hi im a timeshare owner and a salesperson so being on both sides of the fence is interesting to say the least-watched and experianced the good, the bad, and the ugly of this industry-but its good to be involved in whatever level you are at as we never stop learning!

Unknown said...

im an owner and a sales rep-seen the good ,bad and ugly of timeshare and still learning with passion and good karma-as we say in aussie what goes around comes around!-keep on educating its a great industrie to be involved in but remember people are people!

Unknown said...

This is off the subject but maybe i could receive some advice. I have been in sales for a few years and have done very well!!! Until my company was sold and we all found ourselves unemployed. I finally found something i am not good at but GREAT. So i thought. I went om am interview for a timeshare sales position. It was ok but i was soooo sick and should have rescheduled. I was asked the question...what would i do with a couple who are home bodies but have children...what tactic would i take? I froze but did come back with an answer a few minutes later. I thought my answer was precise and effective but i was not offered the position. I was told u was not ready...not sure what that means??? Any suggestions??? I am committed to breaking into timeshare sales!!!