Saturday, December 22, 2007

Timeshare Sales Training - Closing

Timeshare Sales Training - Closing

I like using this close when my guest is just making things too complicated. This happens a lot with the accountant, or engineer personality who loves to analyze things to the max. Their mind is logical, and yet we have to work with that and do it without complicating things further.

For this I use the gas close. With the high gas prices we are facing now - they can relate. The story is also simple enough to make them realize how wise a choice they would be making if they got involved TODAY!

Here it is - The Gas Close

John & Mary lets say you were driving home today and you passed the local station where you usually gas up your car and you saw a sign that says $.80 a gallon. Would you stop?

Sure you would, even if the tank was full you'd try to put a little more in there wouldn't you. And, lets say you went in, and they told you that gas is $.80 a gallon and you can buy all you want and we'll store it for you. Would you buy any?

Sure you would because you know gas will never be $.80 a gallon again, Don't you. So, Basically what you would be doing is storing up gas for tomorrow's use at yesterday's prices, Right?

Isn't that what you were doing here, storing up vacations for future use at yesterday's prices?

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